Radegast Hall & Biergarten


Looking for an authentic biergarten in Brooklyn? Want some authentic German beer and food? Check out Radegast Hall & Biergarten on North 3rd Street in Brooklyn, New York.

When I walked into Radegast Hall, I had the immediate feeling that I was back in Deutschland! Between the careful attention to detail on the exterior and interior, I would have never thought I was still in the heart of Brooklyn.

There is no shortage of beers at the Radegast Hall! Assuming you walked or have a designated driver, I highly recommend getting a stein of your favorite style.

Come hungry because there are plenty of food options on the menu. Be sure to try some of their authentic German options, as well!

This authentic German biergarten  is worth a visit. Featuring a full bar loaded with great German imports, this is a great place to visit with friends.